It's been far too long since I shared some news! A lot has been going on -- here are some photos of our last three community conversations and exhibits!
The first Living with Conviction panel on July 6, 2017 at the Impact Hub in Seattle, Washington. From left to right, Rickey Roberson, Michael Shoemaker, Sabrina Helton, Maureen Caputo, and Carmen Pacheco Jones. Photo courtesy of Constance Brinkley.
Michael, Rickey, and Breon before the community conversation. Photo courtesy of Constance Brinkley.
Part of the exhibit at the Impact Hub that ran from July thru August 2017.
Deborah Espinosa hugging and thanking Carmen Pacheco-Jones at the artist talk at the Impact Hub, Seattle. Photo courtesy of Constance Brinkley.
The Living with Conviction storefront window at Meydenbauer Convention Center, October 2017 thru March 2018.
We had a small but mighty exhibit at Kent Regional Library in December 2017.
Part of our panel during the community conversation at the Kent Regional Library.
Our sign at the Spokane Public Library, January 2018.
Living with Conviction participant Julie Kelly helps hang her portrait and quote at the Spokane Public Library in January 2018.
Living with Conviction at the Spokane Public Library, January 2018. The exhibit is just outside the Community Court.
Layne Pavey of I Did the Time moderated our community conversation in Spokane, Washington on January 3, 2018.
Spokane Public Library hosted our exhibit and conversation in January 2018.
Our three-month exhibit at the Brotman Galeria at the University of Washington School of Law.